On 3 february 2016  I gave a lecture on Women’s Issues in the Work of Ida Gerhardt (and Anna Maria van Schurman) at Gorssel, Gelderland.news on the lecture on Ida Gerhardtachterflap Brieven van overzeeThomas en Brandaan in Ida Gerhardts handwriting

In the correspondence between Ida Gerhardt and Pieta van Beek (Brieven van overzee: Ida Gerhardt nabij, 2013) Ida Gerhardt encouraged Van Beek to continue with the study of  the life and work of Anna Maria van Schurman.

When I visited Ida Gerhardt in Eefde I combined it often with a visit to the archives in Zutphen. In the collection Schimmelpenninck is a beautiful polyglot by Anna Maria van Schurman. You capolyglot sheetn see it as well in Brieven van Overzee: Ida Gerhardt 1Langs bergen en langs dalennabij, p. 141.

Nowadays I encourage other women to publish their memories on Ida Gerhardt, like José van der Donk’ did with her Langs bergen en langs dalen  (2015).